The Birth Book
Birth Book, limited edition reprint 2010 Santa Cruz, CA: Dynamic Press, 161 pages, soft cover.
"Raven is perhaps best known for writing the Birth Book. When she wrote it, very little else had been published about birth. All that was in common circulation were Lamaze and Dick-Read. She felt that teaching only opened a handful of women to the possibilities of what birth could be. She wanted to shout it out to the world. Today, editions of the Birth Book sell for as much as $200, so hold on to your copies, ladies, they are precious."
—California Association of Midwives
Birth Book was the first woman authored, empowerment model, homebirth-oriented book to come out of the childbirth and midwifery movement of the 70's (published even before the better known and also much beloved classic, Spiritual Midwifery).
—Citizens for Midwifery
$100 plus shipping and handling
Only a few left. Your last chance to purchase this historic gem!

Blessingway into Birth
Blessing Way Into Birth is a booklet describing ritual ceremony given for a woman who is about to birth. This celebration is experienced and recognized as a rite of passage. The term "Blessing Way" comes from the Navajo tradition where ceremonies are given to individuals (or groups) at times of transformation and change. They are woven into the fabric of a person's personal history.
The stories presented in this little book speak of the magic and power of this ceremony, and show how amazingly prophetic a ceremony such as one like this can be.
$25 includes shipping & handling

Mother Roasting
The Use of Traditional Chinese Medicine
in Post Partum Care
This booklet is about using the concepts and treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine for the mother in her fourth trimester—the first three months after delivery. Heat is used on the areas of the mother called the Ming Men/LIfe Gate and/or the Dan Tien/Sea of Qi— in order to consolidate and nourish her qi and blood, close down the gates of birth, and facilitate lactation.
The concept of Mother Roasting comes from several different pre-industrial cultures where some form of heat or fire is used in the immediate post partum to nourish the mother and aid her in maintaining strength after delivery. Instructions are given.
$20 includes shipping & handling

Songs of Birth, Ceremony & Celebration
Sing along and learn songs to sing for ceremonies, celebrations and gatherings of all sorts.
$20 includes shipping & handling

The Art & Science of Obstetrics, Part 1
More information about this DVD set
Go to the Mayway website.

The Art & Science of Obstetrics, Part 2
More information about this DVD set
Go to the Mayway website.
The DVD courses The Art and Science of Obstetrics Part 1 and Part 2 are accredited for licensed acupuncture distant learning courses that give 13.5 and 13 CEU's respectively with the acupuncture board in the state of California and with the NCCAOM.
Part 1 covers the physiology and psychology of the first trimester of pregnancy, and Part 2 covers the second and third trimesters. Typical conditions that occur in pregnancy are thoroughly covered and advice on nutrition, herbs, acupuncture points, and midwifery knowledge is given to more fully educate the practitioner so that she can better serve the childbearing woman.
Cases are presented for each condition. There are seven DVD's and a booklet chuck full of information that is over 70 pages.
$365.00 plus shipping and handling per course
Contact Raven to order her publications, CDs and DVDs.